Monday, September 29, 2008

Isaac's First Bike Ride

It never ceases to amaze me that you can hardly turn your back without your children reaching the next milestone. Would you two please slow down a little bit??? You're going to be teenagers before we know it and I don't think we're at all prepared! Anyway, we reached another milestone on Saturday. Isaac took his first ride on his "new" bike. It's still a little big for him, but you can't pass up a freebie from the neighbors. He was a little frustrated at first because it wasn't as easy to manuever as his trike, but before long he pretty much had the hang of it. I just have to hold onto one handle bar to help him steer. As you can see, he's pretty excited about his new set of wheels....

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Looking good Isaac, looking good.....